10 Essential SEO Ranking Factors You Need to Rank #1 in 2024

seo ranking factors 2019

SEO (Search engine optimization) is a technique which increases the quality of the website and increases the traffic by improving the visibility of a website for the audience of the web search engine.

Top 10 SEO Ranking Factors 2024

The well Optimize and the structured site gets more traffic from time to time which helps to gain more leads and sales; it just that the search engine should be up to date as per the market.

There are several SEO Ranking Factors for 2024, which matter to know how and when to make improvements so that the business can be increased and ranked highly. Search Engine ranking factors depend on the website content, the search engine that is relevant and optimizes.

google ranking factor

Are you interested to know how do Google search rankings work? Before we discuss the SEO ranking factors will discuss how Google search ranking works does; the purpose of the ranking is to get more visibility with best quality and information.

Here you can watch How Google Search Works:

The Google search ranking depends on certain factors like High Quality Content, Mobile first, web page experience, page speed on Mobile & desktop both, On-page optimization, Internal links and backlinks. Based on such factors, the ranking is determined.

Also, Read:

How to get extra traffic from Google through voice search

There are various SEO ranking factors for 2024 which you need to know:

1. Unique & High Quality Content- Only high-quality content should be published

The content should be high quality which means it should be rated highly in search quality ratings where the name is visible at the top of the search engine; it helps to improve the Google search algorithms which are an automated system of rating page on the basic of the page security, quality, and the page speed.

high quality content

2. Creating of a secured website which will be easily accessible

The website that is created should be secured, and no risk should be there in the search engine. It is the most important SEO Ranking Factors 2024. The site should be assessable to both the users and the search engine.

3. Mobile Friendly Website- The site should be easily usable in mobile; it should be mobile friendly

The website/ blog should be responsive to phone and any other devices of different resolution. Currently, more than 70% users search queries on google via mobile phone. They don’t carry laptop all the time but they are dependent on Google for lots of queries.

To check if your website is mobile friendly or not, Test here.

4. Enhance Page Experience- You need to improve the experience of the users who are using your site

This is one of the most important SEO ranking factors in 2024 is to improve the user experience by providing detailed information and updated information also in a single site. You can also optimize your pages for voice search. As the most of the websites are still not ready for voice search, this is the right opportunity to secure position on google and maintain it before others enter in the race. 

seo ranking factor

5. On- Page Optimization of web pages-

You need to do optimized content accordingly to get a better ranking. Most of the SEO experts ignore this part and focus on creating thousands of backlinks. IF website is not optimized and eligible to rank on Google top pages, backlinks can’t help. Hurry up and optimize all of your web pages. If you don’t know how to do it, find search engine optimization services provider and get it done.

6. Focus on Users and their Search Query: The Basic focus should be on-topic rather than keywords

The main focus should be on the topic of the content. The content should have the keyword, but content should be according to the topic, everything should be in optimizing form. Keep in mind, search query in not always the keyword you are targeting. 

7. Rank Brain- Knowing search intent is important before you write lots of words on the web pages with keywords. Rank brain is a machine learning system that helps google understand the intent of search query entered by user. 

Google has even started displaying search results with a new SERP featured snippet that is specially designed for Multi-Intent queries.

To understand the intent of your targeted and potential users, you need to explore Google Analytics in details. To get relevant details, navigate to Search Search and User Flow.

Some surveys also proved, after reshaping the SEO content strategy to be more aligned with user intent, administrators noticed 500%+ increase in traffic. Most of the publishers mentioned their conversion rate is also increased.

8. Fresh and Updated Content: Now a days, content freshness in new and important. 

Updating evergreen content might not be possible every year. You must do enough research to find out what needs to be refreshed.

You must keep auditing content time to time to understand what sections of your web page requires a refresh. For example, you can update the screenshots, examples, tools list and information attached to these points.

Forums get maximum benefit of this updated and fresh content strategy. Different users from different locations share their own thoughts in the conversation.

9. Secure Website: Google considered HTTPS as a ranking signal a long back. In 2017, Google started showing “NOT SECURE” at top left corner of address bar when they aren’t HTTPS. It won’t harm your website if you’re not using HTTPS. But it’s important ranking signal along with others. According to Google, HTTPS is important. As you need to get ranking on Google SERP, then you must not ignore SSL Certificate and immediately install HTTPS to your website.

10. Optimise Web Pages Speed:

A study shows, you may lose most of your potential users if your site loads slow. The faster your site loads, the more visitors and revenue you will get from your website. 

For Websites like Amazon could  cost loss of $1.5B in sales each year if page speed goes down by 1 second. 

There are free tools available like PageSpeed Insights where you can test your website page speed (mobile and desktop). 

Lighthouse is also one of the useful tools. With Lighthouse which is an open-source, automated tool can help improve the quality of web pages.

So, the Website and other pages are ready to get ranked on Search Engine? No you’re not. Here are a few more points you cannot ignore.

11. Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords: Meta data is the information about your website and it’s page that users see in Google SERP when they enter a search query.

Sometimes, google pulls content dynamically from content body and display it as meta description on SERP when it better matches with the user’s search query. 

Meta Title and Meta descriptions looks like as mentioned in the screenshot below. 

meta title and meta description

You must write the best title and descriptions to improve CTA along with keywords. 

Currently the title displayed on SERP has 60 characters and meta descriptions have 160 characters. Try writing meta data in the mentioned limit only.