The discussion remains over whether HTML or plain text reign supreme in email marketing. While reliable sources like Litmus request that plain text emails are more powerful than always, others claim that plain text fell a painful death long ago and should be completely forsaken by marketers.
So, who’s right?
Different types of emails require other email formats, as we have demonstrated. However, understanding which email form suits which kind of email makes it more comfortable to determine which choice is best for your list.
We have assembled a few stats you can practice to think your choice alongside a few suggestions on how to measure your own audience’s choices.
In digidir’s Science of Email Marketing Report for 2014, most people stated they favor reading HTML emails over plain text. However, when split testing the emails they sent to that same audience, digidir found that the use of HTML templates decreased click-through rates (CTR)by 25%, the increase in HTML elements by 23%, and the use of GIFs by 37%.
In short, while digidir’s audience stated they preferred HTML emails, their actions told a different story.
Moreover, Databox studied its userbase of marketers and discovered that 62% of marketers use a mix of HTML and plain-text emails. 20% reported using HTML emails exclusively, while 16% prefer plain text.
Plus, while digidir’s audience showed a favorability toward plain-text emails, one Databox user named Tammy Duggan-Herd stated her open rates were 6.52% higher with HTML emails. Her most interesting results were her click-through rates, which held 60.67% more, leading with HTML emails.
Specifically, Tammy said her bi-weekly newsletter worked best with a full HTML template while training campaigns with clarified HTML.
Email marketing services allow you to break test email content to examine which email form works best with your readers. If your service only enables you to break test subject lines or doesn’t give split testing at all, found two segments for your readers and name one “HTML” and the other “Plain Text.”
Transfer two separate versions of the corresponding email to your readers for at least one month, then practice the open and click-through rates to guide you toward a decision.
If you choose to do HTML emails, select a member of your team to be the front of the email marketing branch of your brand. This could also be a team of individuals. Just be assured the character who records and gives your emails signs them themselves and lists their name in the “From” field. This makes traditionally sold emails a little more special.
You should also pick templates with more simplistic designs or use a simplistic style if you create your own. Use contrasting colors to emphasize calls to action and use images strategically and sparingly.
Also Read: How to Calculate Conversion Rate of Your Website How to Measure the ROI of your SEO Campaign?Tips for using plain-text emails
When you practice plain-text emails, it is necessary to use whitespace as much as feasible. Do not build walls of text, and don’t get emails too large.
Also, turn calls to action into full-text links, and give them their lines. Finally, do not be hesitant to add bold and italic text and even shot lists for a little more character.
The choice: Using both HTML and plain-text emails
Alternatively, you can practice both HTML and plain-text emails for different use case situations. Use HTML emails for general interactions and plain-text emails for more private interactions.
A settlement would be to use clear HTML emails. These emails are addressed primarily in plain-text format but highlight HTML elements here and there, such as images and buttons.
No matter which option you choose, be sure to do your split testing to ensure it aligns with your audience.
Are you thinking of starting Email Marketing for your business and don’t know who will help you with the best Email Marketing service? Contact digidir directly; they will help you with all email services needed to grow your business in the market. Their expert team knows how to do Email Marketing for your business effectively and productively.
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